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American Certification Body (ACB) Issues First EU-Type Examination Certificate with Common Charger Requirements

ACB has issued the first EU-Type Examination Certificate that includes compliance with the common charger requirements under Article 3.4 of EU Directive 2014/53/EU.

If you need further details or have specific questions about this certification, please contact ACB.

ACB于2024年6月24日发出第一张含有common charger(2014/53/EU article 3.4)的EUType Examination Certificate, 如果各位有common charger的案件咨询和认证申请,欢迎与 ACB联系认证事宜。

The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) has Approved Requests from three AFC (Automated Frequency Coordination) Operators to Modify their AFC Codes

Released: 2024-06-03


The OET has approved a request from Broadcom Inc., Wi-Fi Alliance Services Corporation, and Wireless Broadband Alliance, Inc to modify their Open AFC code for determining the available power spectral density for 6 GHz standard power devices.. OET. Action by: By the Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology.


2024年6月3日,OET 批准了三家AFC运营商修改其AFC代码的请求。

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) Issues RSS-210, Issue 11

ISED PUBLICATION – RSS-210, Issue 11, License-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment

Radio Standards Specification RSS-210, Issue 11, License-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment, which sets out the certification requirements for radio apparatus such as momentarily operated devices, remote control devices, medical telemetry, auditory assistance, goods tracking, law enforcement devices, FRS/GMRS/GMRS-M, field disturbance sensors, speed radars, wireless microphones, vehicle identification, fixed point-to-point systems, high-capacity communication devices, radars in the 57-71 GHz, and wideband devices.

The document is available on the Published Documents page of the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website.

ISED 发行RSS-210, Issue 11

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) Releases REC-LAB, Issue 8

ISED PUBLICATION – REC-LAB, issue 8, Procedure for the Recognition of Testing Laboratories and REC-CB, issue 2, Recognition Procedure and Requirements for Certification Bodies REC-LAB, issue 8, Procedure for the Recognition of Testing Laboratories to Test/Assess to Canadian Requirements which specifies the criteria and procedure for recognition by ISED of testing laboratories, either Canadian or foreign, to test/assess to Canadian requirements for telecommunications terminal equipment, radio apparatus, and broadcasting equipment standards.

REC-CB, issue 2, Recognition Procedure and Requirements for Certification Bodies (CB) which specifies the recognition criteria and procedures used by ISED in the recognition of Canadian and foreign entities as certification bodies (CBs), under the terms of Mutual Recognition Agreements / Arrangements (MRAs) or any other equivalent agreement or arrangement, to certify products to Canadian regulatory requirements. The administrative and operational requirements that CBs must meet in order to maintain their recognition are also specified.

These documents are now official and available on the Published Documents page of the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website.

ISED 发行 REC-LAB, Issue 8

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is Seeking Technical Comments on RSS-248, Issue 3.

ISED CONSULTATION – RSS-248, issue 3, Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band

ISED is seeking comments on the consultation of RSS-248, issue 3, “Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band”. This standard sets out the power limits and operational requirements for a new equipment class called “very low-power devices”.

The draft document along with the form to provide comments is available on the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) website.

Comments are due no later than September 6, 2024.

ISED正在征求对RSS-248, issue 3的技术意见,截止日期为2024年9月6日

Questions and Answers

Publication Number: 273109


What is the equipment authorization guidance for Part 25 Transceivers?


The equipment authorization guidance provided pertains to Part 25 Satellite Transceivers. This includes specific details related to:

  1. Equipment authorization guidance for Part 25 Satellite Transceivers:273109 D01 Equip Auth Guid Part 25 TXReceiver v02ro2
  2. Guidance for Supplemental Coverage from Space for Report and Order (R&O) FCC 24-28: 273109 D02 Part 25 SCS and CMRS-Bands v01

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