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Certification Industry News and Regulatory Updates

2018 Regulatory Approval and Certification News

CANADA: Decision on New requirements for Wireless Device Testing Laboratories

The Canadian Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) compliance agency has announced that next year on March 15, 2019, ISED Certification Bodies will only accept test reports from ISED-recognized testing laboratories, which are listed on the Conformity Assessment Bodies webpage.  You can read more about this ISED Decision on New requirements for Wireless Device Testing Laboratories.

posted by ACB – Mar/19/2018

An updated EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED) list of Harmonized Standards

EU RED HS Listing Update An updated EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED) list of Harmonized Standards was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 9 February 2018. You can download a free PDF at this link.

posted by ACB – Mar/10/2018

2017 Certification and Regulatory Approval News

Regulatory Updates of 2017

Hong Kong Labelling of Telecommunications Equipment

If you want to sell your electronic products in Hong Kong, you need to download the free product labeling guide from the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), the official government agency responsible for wireless and telecom device requirements. Free download of OFCA publication HKCA 3211, Standardisation Guide for Labelling of Telecommunications Equipment: OFCA official website URL: site | PDF

South Korea’s product labeling requirements

South Korea’s National Radio Research Agency (RRA) has recently announced changes to their product labeling requirements. Learn more about the RRA Conformity Assessment System.

Please note that after 12 October 2017, TCBs can no longer accept test data from unaccredited and non-recognized test laboratories for FCC Certification Applications. This applies to measurements completed before 13 July 2017. Per FCC Rules, only test labs that are recognized by the FCC have been permitted to perform testing for Certification since 13 July 2017. Contact ACB if you have any questions.

ISED/IC new SPR-002 (Supplement to RSS-102)

There is a new entry in the ISED MRA Workspace:

The purpose of this notice is to announce that Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) has published the following procedure on September 1st, 2016: CB-Notice 2016-09

The EMC Directive 2004/108/EC is replaced by the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU; and the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC is replaced by the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU. Manufacturers of products covered by the EMCD and LVD should remember to update their DoC.

FCC U-NII Memorandum on reconsideration 13-49

The FCC has released a Memorandum Opinion & Order addressing 7 Petitions for Reconsideration filed in Docket 13-49 regarding the U-NII Rules.

While the new rules will not be effective for 30 days after publication in Federal Register, we are not sure when this will happen.

The FCC will be updating the guidance based on these new rules.

The Introduction of the MO&O reads:

I. INTRODUCTION 1. By this action, the Commission addresses seven petitions for reconsideration1 of the First Report and Order (First R&O) in this proceeding.2 Specifically we modify our rules to provide a relaxation of the out-of-band emission (OOBE) limits for operation of U-NII-3 (5.725-5.85 GHz) band devices. 3 We are also providing an alternative for manufacturers that require additional time to bring their U-NII-3 band devices into compliance with the new out-of-band limits adopted herein. We extend the deadline for certification of U-NII-3 band devices with more than 10dBi antenna gain to March 2, 2017. The deadline for the manufacture, marketing, sale and importation of these devices is extended until March 2, 2018. For devices with antenna gain of 10 dBi or less, we implement a new certification deadline of March 2, 2018, and extend the deadline for the manufacture, marketing, sale and importation of devices not meeting the modified out-of-band limits until March 2, 2020. The actions taken herein will add to the flexibility and capability of U-NII operations while protecting other authorized users from harmful interference. We decline to adopt rules in response to some petitions that would remove restricted band protections from emissions produced by U-NII-1 (5.15-5.25 GHz) band devices or would permit U-NII-1 client devices to operate with higher emissions and we decline to reduce the upper U-NII- 3 band edge from 5.85 to 5.825 GHz.  

Please see the entire MO&O for the full text.

ISED 5150-5250 MHz RLAN Consultation SMSE-002-17

1. Intent  

1. Through the release of this document, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (referred to hereinafter as the Department) is hereby initiating a consultation on whether to modify the current technical and policy framework for radio local area network (RLAN) devices operating in the 5150-5250 MHz frequency band.

(please download the entire document from ISED Canada for more information).

posted by ACB – Feb/23/2017

2016 Certification and Regulatory Approval News

The new EMC and Radio Equipment Directives

ACB is Notified to the new EMC and Radio Equipment Directives

Effective 29 August 2016, American Certification Body is notified to the most recent European Directives for Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014/30/EU (EMCD) and Radio Equipment 2014/53/EU (RED). “Notification” allows us to make certain regulatory decisions that can open doors for the European market. This status is part of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement that has been in-place with Europe for improving trade and market access for telecommunications and technology products.

Michael Derby, Director of ACB EU, states that “We are pleased to achieve this updated Notification status which allows us to serve our global clients for EU market access. There are several critical changes in the implementation for Radio Equipment in particular that affect most, if not all radio transmission equipment. Finally, we are very appreciative of our colleagues at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for their unfailing support of the Conformity Assessment industry.”

Contact ACB for specific guidance for your project.

Important Transitions Dates for RSS-210 Issue 9 which was published in August 2016

From: TCB Council 
Subject: ISED RSS-210 issue 9 transition period  

Since the publication of RSS-210 issue 9, ISED has received numerous inquiries regarding a transition period. After internal discussion, please find below the final guidance on the allowed transition period.  


This is to inform you the following certification procedure will apply with regards to transition period for RSS-210 issue 9:

1)      If a certificate has been issued to RSS-210 issue 8 before the date of publication of RSS-210 issue 9, nothing needs to be changed and it can be submitted as is to ISED via the Spectraweb application;  

2)      If a certificate has not been issued before the date of publication of RSS-210 issue 9, ISED will continue to accept test reports compliant with RSS-210 Issue 8 until February 26, 2017 and in such cases, the CB shall issue certificates showing RSS-210 Issue 8 compliance.  After February 26, 2017 , CBs shall issue certificates showing RSS-210 Issue 9 compliance and test reports may continue to be in compliance with RSS-210 Issue 8 until August 26, 2017, only if:  

a)     it is supplemented with a partial test report covering any missing requirements from RSS-210 Issue 9; or

b)     it includes an attestation signed by the applicant, lab or CB indicating that the report covers all requirements in RSS-210 Issue 9.  

3)      After August 26, 2017, all test reports must be compliant with RSS-210 Issue 9.

Best regards,   
Nicolas Desmarais   
Manager, Certification and Market Surveillance
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 

posted by ACB – Sep/23/2016



posted by ACB – June/16/2016

Summary of US-China MRA Dialogue of March 24-25

The notice below was received by ACB via the TCB Council.

Dear TCB Council Community, the following is a summary of last week’s talks between the US and Chinese delegations: (this report was provided by NIST)

The two-day dialogue on March 24 and 25, 2016 was a productive discussion between the U.S. (USTR as lead agency, FCC, NIST) and Chinese government, with valuable participation by both countries’ private sectors. For the U.S. side, the private sector contributions by the TCB Council, ACIL, TIA, Washington Labs, and Approve-It on March 24, 2016 were greatly appreciated.

The Chinese delegation included MIIT experts on the Network Access License (NAL) and China Type Approval (CTA) Processes.

Both sides have agreed to intense engagement in the next six weeks on the subject of a possible MRA for telecom equipment under the APEC Tel MRA framework agreement.  That engagement will include exchange of written information, digital video conferences, and face to face meetings in China.

However, it will be essential to also get CNCA (to address the EMC portion of the CCC marking) involved to fully advance the MRA process.  U.S. government representatives are expected to meet with CNCA in Beijing the week of April 4 for preliminary discussions on their role in an MRA process.

This China dialogue served the important purpose of bringing the two governments together, enabling a frank discussion on the issues, and opening the lines of communication on a possible TEL MRA.  There is a path forward for now – but the outcome is uncertain.

Regarding the Petitions for Reconsideration received by the FCC, the decisions on those have not yet been announced.

Also, please note that the USG is completing negotiations on a TEL MRA with Malaysia, and beginning discussions on a TEL MRA with New Zealand.

NIST will provide an update on the MRA discussions with China, Malaysia and New Zealand at the next TCB Council meeting.

ACB Note: There has been a lot of work performed by both China and US officials on this issue. A great deal has been achieved in the last few months by both sides, notably gaining a greater understanding about each others’ conformity assessment systems. One of the thorny issues that needs to be resolved is the China authorities’ conundrum regarding recognition of foreign labs for doing testing for China regulations. Specifically, wireless devices may only be tested in certain designated labs within China. If the Chinese government open up this testing for foreign labs, they need to reconcile this allowance with their domestic laboratory community. 

Also, the “Petitions for Reconsideration” noted in the text above concerns the July 12, 2016 cessation date for the FCC 2.948 Listing program, which will affect several hundred laboratories world-wide (not just in China). Petitioners have asked for the FCC to consider a delay in the sunset of the Listing program and clarification about “Special Procedures” alluded to in the FCC 14 208 Rulemaking.

Note, too, that all China needs to do is to advance to Phase I of the MRA process. Phase I allows for “test data acceptance” not full Certification (which is Phase II). As part of a larger reality in our industry, Phase I won’t greatly shift the testing business—at least in the near term–because of the overall market forces in the electronics business, the intensely competitive nature of the Chinese test lab industry and the willingness of the US test industry to embrace and understand China regulations. Phase I, however, would represent an important step to more open cooperation across industry sectors affected by the testing of the nearly 20,000 devices that were approved under the FCC OET System in 2015.

posted by ACB – April/1/2016


It is imperative to understand the upcoming changes and potential effects they may have on applicants and/or test facilities. If you have any comments for the FCC regarding the time line or meeting requirements, the FCC’s deadline to submit comments for draft KDB 974614 is March 25, 2016 (more on this below).

As of July 13, 2016 test labs will have to be accredited for specific scopes for performing both DoC and Certification Filings under FCC regulations. Note there have been petitions to the FCC to extend this date, but so far that has not happened.

In order to test and submit applications for equipment certifications, the test lab(s) performing these services will be required to have obtained specific scopes of accreditation. If the test lab has not been accredited for the specific scope required for a type of equipment, TCB’s and FCC will no longer be permitted to accept data from them for the missing scope. Test labs are not required to be recognized for all scopes, but partial scopes for a particular area will not be recognized by the FCC. In order for the full scope to be recognized, the lab must be capable of performing all testing covered by the scope in accordance with the listed Standards and KDB Publications. These may currently be found on the following pages of this document – (continue to full notice)

posted by ACB – March/23/2016

FCC U-NII Memorandum on reconsideration 13-49

The FCC has released a Memorandum Opinion & Order addressing 7 Petitions for Reconsideration filed in Docket 13-49 regarding the U-NII Rules.

The FCC will be updating the guidance based on these new rules.   

The Introduction of the MO&O reads:

I. INTRODUCTION 1. By this action, the Commission addresses seven petitions for reconsideration1 of the First Report and Order (First R&O) in this proceeding.2 Specifically we modify our rules to provide a relaxation of the out-of-band emission (OOBE) limits for operation of U-NII-3 (5.725-5.85 GHz) band devices. 3 We are also providing an alternative for manufacturers that require additional time to bring their U-NII-3 band devices into compliance with the new out-of-band limits adopted herein. We extend the deadline for certification of U-NII-3 band devices with more than 10dBi antenna gain to March 2, 2017. The deadline for the manufacture, marketing, sale and importation of these devices is extended until March 2, 2018. For devices with antenna gain of 10 dBi or less, we implement a new certification deadline of March 2, 2018, and extend the deadline for the manufacture, marketing, sale and importation of devices not meeting the modified out-of-band limits until March 2, 2020. The actions taken herein will add to the flexibility and capability of U-NII operations while protecting other authorized users from harmful interference. We decline to adopt rules in response to some petitions that would remove restricted band protections from emissions produced by U-NII-1 (5.15-5.25 GHz) band devices or would permit U-NII-1 client devices to operate with higher emissions and we decline to reduce the upper U-NII- 3 band edge from 5.85 to 5.825 GHz.  

Please see the entire MO&O for the full text.

posted by ACB – March/23/2016

2015 Certification and Regulatory Approval News

FCC UNII Extension Order FCC 15-163A1

From the FCC:

FCC 15-163A1 

Adopted: December 2, 2015 
Released: December 3, 2015 
By the Commission: 
1. By this Waiver Order we extend the current December 2, 2015 deadline by three months (until March 2, 2016) for the requirement that certain National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices must comply with our revised Section 15.407 rules in order to be certified. This action is taken in response to requests by several interested parties to extend this certification deadline as part of a larger review of the transition provisions and our OOBE rules we recently adopted for the U-NII-3 band. This action is being taken without prejudice relative to the merits of the petitioners’ filings in the docket.     (please refer to the Order for the full text)

posted by ACB – December/8/2015

FCC ET Docket No. 13-44; FCC 14-208 Published

FCC ET Docket No. 13-44; FCC 14-208 has been published in the Federal Register today, June 12, 2015 and will be effective 30 days after publication.

posted by ACB – June/12/2015

Industry Canada RSS-247 Transition Period

From Industry Canada:

After internal discussion with our standards group regarding a transition period, I am providing the following guidance:

If a CB has issued a certificate to RSS-210 before the date of publication of RSS-247, nothing needs to be changed and it can be submitted as is and the CB would still choose RSS-210 in the application.

If a test report was issued to RSS-210 and the CB is issuing a certificate after the date of publication of RSS-247, the certificate shall indicate RSS-247 and the CB shall choose RSS-247 in the application. IC will be accepting test reports performed to RSS-210 for a period of three months after the publication of RSS-247. This means that after August 28, 2015, we will only be accepting test reports performed to RSS-247. We do accept test reports up to one year old and this means that after August 28, we can still accept a test report performed to RSS-210 but it will only be accepted if it is supplemented with a partial test report to cover any missing requirement in RSS-247.

Please share this with the TCBC community.

Best regards,
Nicolas Desmarais

Manager, Certification and Market Surveillance – Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch

Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector

Industry Canada – Government of Canada

posted by ACB – June/5/2015

IMPORTANT ORDER regarding the FCC UNII Band transition.

On June 1, 2015, the FCC has released an order FCC15-61, ET Docket No. 13-49.

By this Order, the FCC waives until December 2, 2015 the requirement in Section 15.37(h) of the Commission?s rules that certain National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices must comply with our revised Section 15.407 rules to be certified on and after June 2, 2015. This action is taken in response to a request by a group of interested parties (Joint Petitioners) to extend this compliance deadline as part of a larger review of the transition provisions we recently adopted for the U-NII-3 band.

For the complete text of this order, please see:

posted by ACB – June/1/2015

IC has just released RSS-247.

IC has just released RSS-247. It replaces RSS-210 for many devices falling under the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz band such as DTS, FHSS, and UNII devices:

IC posted on the web RSS-247. It replaces RSS-210 for many devices:

RSS-247 — Digital Trransmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices

PDF Version (476 KB, 21 pages)  

Related Documents

Gazette Notice SMSE-003-15 
Posted on Industry Canada website: May 28, 2015 
Issue 1


Radio Standards Specification RSS-247, Issue 1, Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices, is a new standard to replace annexes 8 and 9 of RSS-210, Issue 8, Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment.

At the date of publication of this standard, devices covered under the scope of this document will no longer be certified under RSS-210, Issue 8.

This document will be in force as of its publication on Industry Canada’s website.

Listed below are the he changes:

1.      references to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Knowledge Database (KDB) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for the measurement method of dynamic frequency selection (DFS) have been added;

2.      a measurement procedure to be used for verifying the compliance of equipment to the e.i.r.p. at different antenna elevations has been added;

3.      the digital technology of systems operating in the band 5725-5850 MHz that employ digital modulation or both digital modulation and frequency hopping technology is covered under the LE-LAN provision;

4.      requirements for LE-LAN equipment operating in the band 5725-5825 MHz have been modified and the frequency band for LE-LAN equipment has been extended from 5725-5825 MHz to 5725-5850 MHz;

5.      the unwanted emission limit for LE-LAN equipment operating in the band 5150-5250 MHz is determined outside the band 5150-5350 MHz instead of 5150-5250 MHz;

6.      the unwanted emission limit for LE-LAN equipment operating in the band 5250-5350 MHz is determined outside the band 5150-5350 MHz instead of 5250-5350 MHz;

7.      conditions to allow equipment in the band 5150-5350 MHz to operate indoors and outdoors have been added;

8.      the DFS procedure for LE-LAN equipment operating in the bands 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5600 MHz and 5650-5725 MHz has been modified;

9.      the requirement for in-service monitoring for equipment operating in the frequency bands 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5600 MHz and 5650-5725 MHz does not apply to slave devices which do not have a radar detection mechanism;

10.  requirements have been added for LE-LAN devices operating in the 5 GHz band with bandwidths that overlap various frequency ranges within the 5 GHz band; and

11.  a requirement that all LE-LAN devices contain security features to protect against modification of software by unauthorized parties has been added.

Issued under the authority of the Minister of Industry

Daniel Duguay Director General Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch

posted by ACB – June/1/2015

FCC document Summary of Key Changes in the Report and Order (FCC 14-208)

The FCC has provided for distribution the linked summary document of the Changes in teh recent R&O. 

Summary of Key Changes in the Report and Order (FCC 14-208)
The TCB Council has an active sub-committee for Rules Changes that is discussing this document in detail in an effort to ensure that everyone gets clarity on these changes.  We encourage active participation in this, and other, committees.

posted by ACB – Februay/13/2015

 2014 Certification and Regulatory Approval News

Announcing! FCC Adopts New Rules for Transmitters! Test labs and manufacturers may be affected.    

The FCC released its decision on the FCC ET Docket 14-44 on 30 December 2014. The Report and Order covers numerous areas of testing, certification and accreditation. Most notably for many of our customers, the new Rules will require all laboratories that provide testing services for certification carry accreditation to ISO 17025.   

Read more – FCC-14-208A1.pdf

Contact ACB for more information

posted by ACB – December/30/2014

Transition to newer ANSI 63.4 documents by IC

While FCC hasn’t released any formal requirement to only follow the new ANSI C63.4’s or C63.10 (i.e. some still use the early 2003 
edition), it does look like IC has.

Of primary interest is:

6.1 Test Site Facilities 
Test site facilities performing measurements on radio apparatus shall be registered with Industry Canada. A test site registration number will be provided that identifies the specific test site facility where testing will take place. The renewal of the test site facility’s registration shall be every three years. For any apparatus operating below 1 GHz, the test site shall comply with the requirements in ANSI C63.4-2014. For any apparatus operating above 1 GHz, the test site shall comply with site voltage standing wave ratio (SVSWR) requirements specified in the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) CISPR 16-1-4:2010 over the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz.6

Note 6: 
A transition period ending December 31, 2015, is provided; within this period, compliance with ANSI C63.4-2009 will be accepted below and above 1 GHz. After this date, only compliance with ANSI C63.4-2014 and CISPR 16-1-4: 2010, respectively, will be accepted.

posted by ACB – December/3/2014

Notice No. SMSE-019-14 — Release of RSS-Gen, Issue 4, and RSP-100, Issue 10

Notice is hereby given by Industry Canada that the following documents will come into force upon publication on the Industry Canada Web site:

The above documents were published to reflect the technical and certification requirements for equipment.

Full Notice:

posted by ACB – November/14/2014

IC Electronic Labeling Notice 2014-DRS1003

There is a new entry in the MRA Workspace:

CB Notice 2014-06 
The purpose of this notice is to advise interested parties that Industry Canada is releasing its decision on Electronic Labelling. The decision is available electronically at:

posted by ACB – October/3/2014

IC CB Notice 2014-05 & RSS-111 Issue 5

CB Notice 2014-05 Advanced Publication Notice – SMSE-008-14 Revision of RSS-111

PDF version (12.0 KB, 1 page)

TO: Certification Bodies recognized by Industry Canada 
RE: Revision of RSS-111

The purpose of this notice is to announce that Industry Canada will publish the following standard on September 4, 2014:

Radio Standards Specification RSS-111, Issue 5, Broadband Public Safety Equipment Operating in the Band 4940-4990 MHz, sets out the certification requirements for radio transmitters in the band 4940-4990 MHz for public safety purposes.

Important Information

This standard will come into force as of September 4, 2014. Applicants for equipment certification including Certification Bodies must ensure compliance with the new issue of this standard.

 Certification Bodies have one year from the date of publication to amend their recognized scope of accreditation to reflect the new issue of these standards in accordance with Industry Canada procedures for conformity assessment bodies.

Enquiries may be directed to the Manager, Telecommunications Equipment Regulatory Requirements at the following e-mail address:

This standard is available electronically on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site at under official publications.

Hughes Nappert 
Manager, Regulatory Standards 
Industry Canada  

Click here to access RSS-111 — Broadband Public Saffety Equipment Operating in the Band 4940-4990 MHz Issue 5, September 2014

posted by ACB – September/7/2014

IC CB Notice 2014-04 & RSS-216 Wireless Chargers

Industry Canada CB Notice 2014-04

Advanced Publication Notice – SMSE-014-14

PDF version (16.0 KB, 1 page)

TO: Certification Bodies recognized by Industry Canada 
RE: New RSS-216 Issue 1

The purpose of this notice is to announce that Industry Canada will publish the following standard on September 4, 2014:

Radio Standards Specification RSS-216, Issue 1, Wireless Power Transfer Devices (Wireless Chargers), which sets out the minimum requirements for wireless power transfer devices with power management and/or control capabilities. 

Important Information

This standard will come into force as of September 4, 2014. Applicants for equipment certification including Certification Bodies must ensure compliance with the new issue of this standard.

 Certification Bodies have one year from the date of publication to amend their recognized scope of accreditation to reflect the new issue of these standards in accordance with Industry Canada procedures for conformity assessment bodies.

Enquiries may be directed to the Manager, Telecommunications Equipment Regulatory Requirements at the following e-mail address:

This standard is available electronically on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site at under official publications.

Hughes Nappert 
Manager, Regulatory Standards 
Industry Canada  

Click here to access RSS-216 — Wireless Power Transfer Devices ((Wireless Chargers) Issue 1, September 2014

posted by ACB – September/7/2014

Parties Seek Reconsideration of 5.8 GHz Unlicensed Rules

Because the comment period will be short, we are giving you a heads-up now.

posted by ACB – July/15/2014

Compliance to Canadian RF exposure limits  (Safety Code 6)

Health Canada has published a public consultation notice  including the draft Safety Code 6 guidelines (2014) at the following link:  Based on the presentation made by Industry Canada during the TCBC April 2014 meeting, we would like to remind all manufacturers of their obligations to meet Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 limits adopted in Industry Canada’s RSS-102 (  We would like to reiterate the points we made during our presentation:

  • Industry Canada recommends that manufacturers take the draft limits into consideration during the design and testing phases of their devices, including compliance distance in their user manual.
  •  Industry Canada will incorporate official Safety Code 6 limits (2014) in RSS-102 Issue 5.
  • Industry Canada will immediately use RSS-102 Issue 5 for the purposes of certifying new equipment.
  • RSS-102 Issue 5 will take full effect 120 days from the date of publication for equipment certified prior to Issue 5.
  • After the transition period, all devices manufactured, imported or sold in Canada must be in compliance with the revised standard no matter when they were originally certified.

Inquiries related to RF exposure compliance of your device can be sent to:   

Hughes Nappert

Manager, Regulatory Standards
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector
Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON  K1A 0C8 | 365, avenue Laurier ouest, Ottawa ON  K1A 0C8
Telephone 613-991-0031
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

posted by ACB – June/10/2014

Industry Canada’s response to power exemption limits in RSS-102 Issue 5

From Industry Canada:

Although Industry Canada has temporarily granted additional flexibility regarding the use of unpublished power exemption limits related to SAR evaluation via the distribution of the Notice 2013 DRS0911, the Department would like to remind responsible parties that power exemption limits set forth in RSS-102 Issue 5 will come into force on the day of publication of the standard. After which time, only the power exemption limits within Issue 5 will be recognized and accepted by Industry Canada for the purpose of certifying new equipment. Industry Canada would like to re-emphasized that an exemption from having to perform a routine SAR evaluation, based on the applicable power exemption limits, is NOT an exemption from compliance to Safety Code 6 limits. 

Industry Canada would like to inform responsible parties that there will be NO need to move forward with a reassessment due to changes made to the power exemption limits for devices that have already been granted Canadian certification prior to the publication of RSS-102 Issue 5. However, all necessary steps must be taken to ensure these devices still comply with the latest version of RSS-102, including Safety Code 6 limits. Compliance with Safety Code 6 is an ongoing obligation. It is therefore the responsibility of the manufacturers to ensure that devices being manufactured, imported or sold in Canada comply with Safety Code 6 limits, at all times. 

Best regards,

Hughes Nappert 

Manager, Regulatory Standards
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector
Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON  K1A 0C8 | 365, avenue Laurier ouest, Ottawa ON  K1A 0C8
Telephone 613-991-0031
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

posted by ACB – Apr/17/2014

For Immediate Release  

ACB Gains Japan Recognition 
Can Now Certify Licensed Radios 
January 2, 2014  

McLean, VA – Japan’s Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) has approved American Certification Body to certify Licensed Devices for the Japan market. Licensed devices include mobile phones, emergency services radios (public service), base stations and radar equipment. All wireless devices must conform to the Japan Radio Law before they are allowed to be used in Japan.  

Under the arrangement developed between the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and MIC, ACB developed procedures and processes to review and certify licensed device. ACB has been certifying unlicensed products for over two years and now can certify an entirely new class of products.

“We are excited to gain this approval and thank NIST ( for its efforts on our behalf. Their efforts are greatly appreciated” said Susan Holman, Quality Assurance Representative. “Our accreditation body, the American National Standards Institute (, provided great support during this process, allowing us to complete the scope expansion efficiently and quickly.”

The process for acceptance includes a Joint Committee decision, which is detailed under the ‘Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Results of Conformity Assessment Procedures between the United States of America and Japan (US-Japan MRA).’

“The implementation of the Mutual Recognition Agreement allows us to help more manufacturers gain access to the Japan market,” said Pieter Robben, ACB Reviewing Engineer in the Netherlands. The MRAs do more than help access to markets. “The establishment of MRAs provides great facilitation of technical exchange between participating markets,” Mr. Robben added.

The full text of the acceptance and joint decision is here.

posted by ACB – Jan/3/2014

2013 Certification and Regulatory Approval News

NOTICE 2013-DRS0911


posted by ACB – Sep/12/2013


Adopted: August 9, 2013 Released: August 9, 2013 
By the Commission: Acting Chairwoman Clyburn and Commissioners Rosenworcel and Pai issuing separate statements.

1. By this action, the Commission modifies Part 15 of its rules for intentional radiators operating on an unlicensed basis in the 57-64 GHz frequency range (60 GHz). As discussed in detail below, we are modifying our rules to: 1) allow higher emission limits for 60 GHz devices that operate outdoors with very high gain antennas to encourage broader deployment of point-to-point broadband systems; 2) specify the emission limit for all 60 GHz devices as an EIRP power level to promote repeatability of measurement data and provide uniformity and consistency in the rules; and 3) eliminate the requirement for certain 60 GHz devices to transmit identification information (transmitter ID). The amended rules will allow longer communication distances for unlicensed 60 GHz point-to-point systems that operate outdoors and thereby extend the ability of such systems to provide broadband service, particularly to office buildings and other commercial facilities. We believe that the enhanced 60 GHz systems that will be allowed by these rule changes will help the Commission fulfill its objectives to bring broadband access to every American by providing additional competition in the broadband market, lowering costs for small business owners accessing broadband services, and supporting the deployment of 4th generation (4G) and other wireless services in densely populated areas.  

Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Operation in the 57-64 GHz Band 
Released Date: 08/09/2013 
Description: Modified Part 15 of its rules for intentional radiators operating on an unlicensed basis in the 57-64 GHz frequency range 
Word : FCC-13-112A1.docx  FCC-13-112A2.docx  FCC-13-112A3.docx  FCC-13-112A4.docx 
Acrobat : FCC-13-112A1.pdf  FCC-13-112A2.pdf  FCC-13-112A3.pdf  FCC-13-112A4.pdf 
Text : FCC-13-112A1.txt  FCC-13-112A2.txt  FCC-13-112A3.txt  FCC-13-112A4.txt

posted by ACB – Aug/15/2013

Industry Canada ICES-003 Issue 5 Transition Period reminder

Transition period ending August, 31, 2013 for ICES-003 – Information Technology Equipment (ITE) – Limits and methods of measurement – Issue 5, August 2012

A transition period ending August, 31, 2013, is provided, within which compliance with ICES-003, Issue 5, or ICES-003, Issue 4, will be accepted. After this date, only compliance with ICES-003, Issue 5, will be accepted for new models. Existing models in compliance with a previous issue of ICES-003 shall remain compliant under the requirements of that previous issue.

New models that comply with the technical requirements in ICES-003 issue 5 shall implement the labelling requirements in ICES-003 Issue 5. Existing models may continue with the labelling requirements in Issue 4.  

The minimum requirements for labelling of models complying with the technical requirements in Issue 5 are detailed in section 8 of ICES-003 issue 5.

When complying with ICES-003 issue 5, the Industry Canada ICES-003 compliance label must be in accordance with the following as per section 8:

CAN ICES-3 (*)/NMB-3(*) 
* Insert either “A” or “B” but not both to identify the applicable Class of ITE.  

For example, if the ITE is determined to be class B then the minimum label requirement shall be displayed as follows: CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)  

A test report shall be compiled providing a record of the tests and results demonstrating compliance with ICES-003 Issue 5 technical requirements. The test report shall indicate the date the tests were completed. The test report shall clearly identify the Class of Limits, A or B, that the ITE was tested for compliance with, and shall clearly state which reference publication from Section 3 that was used for methods of measurement. The test report contents shall be in accordance with the reference publication used from Section 3. The test report shall be retained by the manufacturer or importer for a minimum period of five years from the date the model of ITE is first offered for sale, distributed and/or leased in Canada, and shall be made available to Industry Canada upon request.  

ICES-003 Issue 5 is available on the web at:

For any additional enquiries you may address them by e-mail at the following address:  

Industrie Canada Web:

posted by ACB – Jul/11/2013


Industry Canada has released the following revised document:

Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICES-003, Issue 5, Information Technology Equipment (ITE) – Limits and  methods of measurement, sets out the technical requirements relative to radio noise generated by Information Technology Equipment (ITE).

Information and copies of this document may be obtained at:

posted by ACB – Aug/28/2012

Recent RF Exposure in the News

There have been some recent instances of RF Exposure in the news that will likely bring new discussions over the next several years to FCC RF exposure procedures.

posted by ACB – Aug/13/2012

Class 1 status for 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN:

The 2.4 GHz WLAN has previously required the Alert Symbol for Europe as a Class 2 device.   The final country to restrict use in this band for wideband data devices up to 100 mW has been France, with a restriction which allowed indoor use only.   From 1st July 2012, the restriction has been removed by France and therefore the 2.4 GHz WLAN devices are Class 1, with no Alert Symbol or other Class 2 requirements needed.

The observant ones amongst you will notice that Appendix 3 of ERC Recommendation 70-03 does still list a restriction in Italy.   This will soon be corrected and does not affect the WLAN’s Class 1 status.

Read more: COMMISSION DECISION of 26 October 2009

5 GHz Wireless LAN Bands missing:

Many of you will have noticed that the frequency bands 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz and 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz have been removed from ERC Recommendation 70-03.   This could be worrying for any WLAN manufacturers trying to check the status of their band.   It appears it no longer exists!

In fact, it is still permitted but it has simply been re-classified.   REC 70-03 is a document for Short Range Devices and the bands have been re-classified as mobile except aeronautical mobile service.   For this reason, the bands have been removed from the Short Range Device document.

Contact your regional ACB representative for more info.

posted and revised by ACB – Jul/9/2012

FCC Grantee Code Order

The FCC has adopted an Order to extend the grantee codes from three-character to five-characters.  The following Press release and the Order have the discussion of rationale and the plan.

News Release. Adopted:  06/13/2012. 
News Media Contact: Bruce Romano at (202) 418-2124, 
OET Contact Hugh L. Van Tuyl at (202) 418-7506, 

posted by ACB – Jun/27/2012

Measurement procedures for DTS devices under 15.247

Note that new procedures are expected to be published in the near future.

For the latest version of the KDB:

posted by ACB – Feb/3/2012 (Revised Aug/13/2012)

Release of New Issues of RSS-111, RSS-182 and RSS-288, as well as the Withdrawal of RSS-193

read more:

posted by ACB – Feb/3/2012


read more:

view PDF: NOTICE-2012-DRS0126_Receiver.pdf

posted by ACB – Feb/3/2012

Measurement procedures for UNII devices under 15.407

The FCC has also recently updated the UNII procedures as well for 15.407 See 789033 at This test procedure replaces and supersedes guidance contained in Public Notice DA 02-2138 of August 30, 2002. Applications for equipment authorization received on or after January 1, 2012 are required to use the procedures specified in 789033 D01 UNII General Test Procedures v01. Applications received prior to that date may employ either the 2002 guidance or 789033 D01 UNII General Test Procedures v01 in entirety.

posted by ACB – Feb/3/2012