There are 195 countries as well 72 dependent areas and other entities, according to The World Factbook (URL, and if you want to sell your electrical and electronic products globally, you’ll soon discover that most of them have their own unique regulatory compliance programs and certification requirements. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the scope of work necessary to access the world marketplace and obtain the required approvals, but American Certification Body can help you achieve your goals. By partnering with ACB, you gain the years of experience in procuring international approvals and building a worldwide network of product compliance experts and agents.
A common approach for companies branching out to the world is to start with leading economic market countries that have a developed customer base for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) and other electronic products. Here’s a short introduction to some of those countries and their governmental regulatory compliance agencies:
MIIT certification | China | The Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT) is the telecommunications agency and frequency spectrum authority for the People’s Republic of China. There are two MIIT departments overseeing separate types of telecom products:The Telecom Administrative Bureau (TAB) is responsible for certifying traditional hard-wired phone system products.e.g. landline phones, fax machines, modems.The product approval certificate is called a Network Access License (NAL).The State Radio Regulations Committee (SRRC) is responsible for the certification scheme for wireless communications, which includes any method of transmitting data with radio frequencies.e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 2.4 GHz wireless mouse.The product approval certificate is called a Radio Type Approval. The MIIT website is at URL |
CCC certification | China | The China Compulsory Certification (CCC) approval and product mark identifies electrical and electronic products that have met the EMC and Product Safety approval criteria. The CCC program is governed by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA). The CNCA English-language website is at URL |
Taiwan NCC certification | Taiwan | The National Communications Commission (NCC) regulates the information, communications and broadcasting industries in Taiwan. They are the government authority in Taiwan for Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE), setting the criteria for product certification schemes for these devices. NCC has an English-language website at |
BSMI certification | Taiwan | The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) is the designated government authority in Taiwan for the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electromagnetic Immunity (EMI), and Product Safety requirements for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) and standards for product certifications. The BSMI agency is under the authority of the Taiwan Government Ministry of Economic Affairs. The BSMI website has an English-language option, and it is located at URL |
ANATEL certification | Brazil | ANATEL is the national telecommunication agency and frequency spectrum authority of Brazil. To obtain ANATEL certification, you must use a Brazilian OCD (“Designated Certification Body”) accredited by ANATEL, and the product certification testing must be performed by an accredited INMETRO laboratory. The ANATEL website is located at URL |
India WPC certification | India | The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) department is the national radio regulatory authority of India, responsible for frequency spectrum management, licensing, and certification of all wireless products and devices that operate on frequencies from 3 kHz to 3000 GHz. The CNCA English-language website is at URL |
BIS certification | India | The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the government agency that oversees the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS), which sets the mandatory product safety requirements and certification programs for 44 types of ITE and electronic products. The BIS English-language website is at URL |
EAC certification | Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan | The EurAsian Conformity (EAC) certification and product marking scheme was modeled on the European Union CE product approval system, and its member countries intended it to be a competing consortium to the EU. This certification scheme began in 2010, by agreement of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) member countries. More information is available on the European Economic Commission (EEC) English-language website at URL |
IFT certification | Mexico | The Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) is the government agency for telecommunications in Mexico, setting the mandatory approval requirements for wireless and hard-wired traditional telecom products, and issuing all type approvals for specified telecom equipment imported into Mexico. In addition, IFT is also responsible for radio frequency spectrum management and assignments for telecommunications and broadcasting, publishing telecom regulations and updates, telecom and broadcast concession grants and transfers, and regulating any monopolies in Mexico. The IFT website is available at |
About our international service.
There are many terms used to describe this service. Some government agencies use specific terms such as “type approvals“, “product certification“, “international homologation” or “product homologation“, but they all indicate that you are meeting the local agency requirements for demonstrating that your specific electrical/electronic product meets their designated criteria and is legal to import for sale and use in their country.
Access to international markets is key to product success. With ACB’s distributed team of experts in every hemisphere, we provide real-time support for product compliance and approvals from pole-to-pole and from east-to-west.
For developing markets, the key is to understand what the process is, what is the process, timeframe and how best to manage the complicated world of international approvals.
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