by Mike Violette | May 28, 2020 | Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday Mike Violette Hello Friends, Sharing excerpts from a letter to a buddy a few years back and looking forward (hopefully soon) to seeing how our friends in Vietnam and Korea are faring. I’m sure that Monkey Mountain (So’n Trà) is still beautiful,...
by Mike Violette | May 21, 2020 | Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday Mike Violette A few years back, Norm and I were rung up by a frantic FM radio station operator. Rock & Roll station WMGM–103.7 on the dial–was renting space on a tower in the marshes near Cape May, New Jersey, serving up classic...
by Mike Violette | Apr 30, 2020 | Throwback Thursday, Uncategorized
Throwback Thursday Mike Violette This throwback to the Middle Kingdom reaches back nearly a dozen years. To say that things have evolved is an insufficient use of words. What I thought were highway pylons marching through the countryside turned out to be the...
by Mike Violette | Apr 23, 2020 | Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday Mike Violette Jerry and I were trying to raise some business in Cairo a half-dozen years ago. At the time, China produced millions of “2G” phones and sold them into developing countries, like Egypt, where the market price for these devices were...
by Mike Violette | Apr 16, 2020 | Throwback Thursday
Mike Violette Celestial Dancer Certification :Khmer a Moment by Mike Violette My good friend Alex K, knowing my penchant for Asia, rang me up a few years back. “Hey Mike, do you want to go to Siem Reap?” “Sure! Where is that?” “There is an event on IP happening...
by Mike Violette | Apr 9, 2020 | Throwback Thursday
Mike Violette Back in 00’s we made a few trips to a wonderful land with a rich history with the West and, notably, the US. Vietnam is tall in my memory as my father served there in 1968, arriving just in time for Tet. His experience and tales drew me there as we...